Brother Sergeant is here!

June 25, 2024

“Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without our Father’s notice.”

1310 AD. There is a new power in the Aegean, and its ships fly the black and white of the Knights of Saint John.

Thomas Schwyzer has served the black knights for as long as he can remember. He would do anything for Grandmaster Foulques and his fellow brother sergeants. They are his family. His friends. Without them he would have no place in this world.

His faithful years of service have not gone unrecognized. Now captain of the Order’s most decorated war galley, he and his fellow Schwyzers patrol the waters near Rhodes, stalking Islamic slavers and merchants.

When a devious ambush separates Thomas from his ship, he must rise up and find the strength to face his enemies.

But, for the first time in his life, without his brothers at his back.

Categories: Blog, Featured, Hospitaller Saga

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